
The next-tinacms-json package provides helpers to make local JSON content editable. This package is intended to be used with a Git-based workflow.


yarn add next-tinacms-json


  • useJsonForm( jsonFile, options? ):[values, form]: A React Hook that creates a Git form
  • jsonForm( Component, options? ): Component: An HOC that creates and registers a Git form
  • useLocalJsonForm(deprecated)
  • useGlobalJsonForm(deprecated)

useJsonForm hook

const [data, form] = useJsonForm(jsonFile, formOptions)

As the first argument, this hook expects an object matching the following interface:

// A datastructure representing a JSON file stored in Git
interface JsonFile<T = any> {
  fileRelativePath: string
  data: T

As with other Tina form helpers, this hook also accepts a second, optional argument — a form configuration object.


import * as React from 'react'
import { usePlugin } from 'tinacms'
import { useJsonForm } from 'next-tinacms-json'

export default function Index({ jsonFile }) {
  // Create the Form
  const [post, form] = useJsonForm(jsonFile)

  // Register it with the CMS

  return <h1>{post.title}</h1>

export async function getStaticProps() {
  const content = await import(`../../content/index.json`)

  return {
    props: {
      jsonFile: {
        fileRelativePath: `/content/index.json`,
        data: content.default,

jsonForm HOC

jsonForm accepts two arguments: a component and an optional form configuration object. The component being passed is expected to receive data as props that matches the jsonFile interface outlined below.

// A datastructure representing a JSON file stored in Git
interface JsonFile<T = any> {
  fileRelativePath: string
  data: T

jsonForm returns the original component connected with a new JSON form registered with Tina. Below is the same example from useJsonForm, but refactored to use the jsonForm HOC.


 * 1. import jsonForm
import { jsonForm } from 'next-tinacms-json'
import * as React from 'react'

function Index(props) {
  const post = props.jsonFile

  return (

 * 2. Wrap and export the Page component with jsonForm
export default jsonForm(Page)

export async function getStaticProps() {
  const content = await import(`../../posts/index.json`)

  return {
    props: {
       * 3. Make sure your return object matches this shape
      jsonFile: {
        fileRelativePath: `/posts/index.json`,
        data: content.default,